06 September 2006

luckiest man on earth

yesterday, a light but surprisingly soaking rain fell on me as i walked from the 68th street/hunter college 6 line to meet lulu at presbyterian hospital. he gave me the keys to his apt and i donned a white plastic poncho and made my way up to 302 88th, which garnered bemused looks from young puerto men of a similar age.

this morning, far away from the center of any activity and with my distate for paying for public transportation in tact, i made my way downtown on foot, walking over 100 new york city blocks in preparation for much more walking to come over the next three months. it felt good to be in 'the city' on a cool partly sunny day. and to my great fortune, a bird crapped on my shoulder shortly after my departure. i was told this is an extremely lucky sign. i feel fortunate.

last time i was here i saw protests, art openings, rowdy grammar school kids and a tranny doll auction. this time im waking up late and walking around picking up the last few things on my to-do list. its been nice. my homies at made in brazil recorded this clip while he was in france, citing it as proof of 'when you are traveling abroad, there comes a time when you sort of snap for a while.' i cant wait to find out what makes me snap. i had a very strong affection for these four horny old ladies as a lil boy. i remember being very excited to tell my piano teacher (who did not own a tv) that channel 11 now had gg reruns every morning at 10 am. she looked at me quizzically. now i cant stand the show. the storylines and conflict archs are unbearably formulaic one can predict its course just seconds into the show... or maybe ive seen each episode cinq fois?


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