12 August 2006


last night a young frenchman and canadienne slept on my couch, thanks to globalfreeloaders.com. since i am relying on this site to land free digs in asia, i thought it proper karma to offer my own home to seattle-bound travelers for the few days that im here.

so, at 12:01 am jeremie calls to say that he is here and asks if it is alright for a lady friend he just met to join him. eh, why not? double the pleasure, double the fun. sure, having two young strangers (to me and to each other) sleeping ensemble in my home was new and mildly awkward. them filling my neti pot with vegetable oil for massage purposes was interesting. tho thoughts of bodily fluids, theft, damage and/or assault passed through my head, they seemed like good kids and the prospect of being ripped off or soiled didnt seem like a big deal anyhow. plus, with my own travels around the corner, i thought it would be interesting to pick these far more bohemian brains for tenets of their travel philosophy.

dont stop the presses, but recent events make me feel like im chilling out and coming out of my antisocial shell. compare obligatory shmooze events during my mavin days, when i would retreat to the corner with social lubricants in hand and with my eyes strictly above or below others sight lines to my uncharacteristic chattiness with my row mates on recent flights; or, my complete non-reaction to missing my flight the other day... eh, whens the next one?

its pretty cliche that personal transformation would happen during my months off the job. whats mildly unnerving tho is how quickly its happening. generally i embrace the fear and discomfort change inevitably brings. its just taking me a bit to catch up with myself and to integrate everything into my understanding of who i am. the growth is exciting, but big parts of me feel foreign. this is fun if not mildly spastic.


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