26 July 2006

we aint no massachusetts

'as mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. i hope ever to see america among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.' -georgie washington, 1790

im pretty sure he was talking about homos. that said, the supreme court of the state named in his honor announced today that washingtons 'defense of marriage act (doma)' does not discriminate against homos. its weird that the majority (5-4) of our states most esteemed legal scholars attribute their ruling to the irrelevant (but familiar) arguments that procreation is the primary purpose of marriage. using that logic, i think washington should also prohibit the old and sterile from marrying, but homos who adopt or knocked-up lesbians should be able to get hitched. as a proponent for arbitrary absurdity whenever possible, such a policy appeals to me.


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