my mother instilled a fair amount of superstition in me as a wee lad. shaking ones leg forfeits luck, the number 4 represents death and spitting after hearing the word 'monkey' improves your luck. her smorgasbord of beliefs came from korean and other asian traditions as well as just original inspiration from mamas noggin. oma also shared the widespread conviction that what transpires on new years day influences the rest of the year.
so i was happy to wake up on jan 1 2007 sans hangover, to spend my morning in good company, clean the house, go for a run, read my book and bathe myself- all good activities lest i want to spend the next 364 days sick, lonely, illiterate, fat and dirty. weeks earlier i wasnt looking forward to spending new years alone at home while family and friends partied it up in bangkok, la and providenciales. but as the date approached having solo time to reflect on 2006 and penning new years resolutions fireside were nice.
samchun+zuzu: together for the first time
in review 2006 was an outstanding year. it started out rough with my final 8 weeks at
mavin, but in retrospect that yuck confirmed that leaving was a good thing and provided several vivid lessons that will remain in my life skills box longer than a sweet and sentimental goodbye would have. the following 10 months as a retiree were amazing. highlights include my 3-month asian holiday that has already joined the life highlights reel and spending time with baby, which has been mastercard priceless. perhaps most importantly has been kicking 8 years of constant colds. in 2006 i went 11 months without my infamous 'thousand year cough' and am no longer scurred that im carrying some undiagnosed/undiscovered strain of tuberculosis. i also did a lot more writing in 2006 and my less wounded responses to unflattering critiques means ive made progress on becoming more secure and mature.
im very excited for
2007. besides having an aesthetically pleasing, sleek look, 2007 will see the culmination (or continuation?) of my physical and occupational post-
mavin transition. by years end i expect to be in korea and to have a short answer to the question, 'what do you do?'
lately ive found myself looking back with something just short of regret- lamenting the myriad occasions i did not make bolder actions earlier. unlike those 30-minute afternoon recesses in first grade that seemed to last forever, as i age time passes quickly and i take time (mine and others) less for granted. tho its easy to make excuses and be lazy, 365 days is so short as to inspire panic (or resignation) when making lifes plans so in 2007 i resolve to actively nuture two areas: education and interaction.
interactioni admit to sometimes talking as a verbal alternative to breathing. instead this year i will participate in content-laden conversations filled with precisely chosen words, even when awkward pauses to locate the exact word makes me want to rush or abandon the process. and when the words arent flowing i want to reject the urge to congest contemplative silences with the white noise of
chicago public radio, by incessantly logging onto social networking websites or by listening to the same 10 songs on my
ipod. in 2007 i will also be more valuable to people by being a more generous listener and through more unconditional giving. on the weblog front although ive enjoyed interacting with folks on here i must identify a clearer purpose and a more integrated strategy for
educationive gone from getting my school districts highest test scores to being called a 'himbo' a coupla months back. i need to get more learned. to this end i will read lots and lots and keep writing in 2007. furthermore i will be more curious about learning how things like
zinc gluconate and economies work instead of just accepting that they do, or improvising a less-efficient old skool solution when i dont feel like reading the manual. i will also finally learn to speak functional korean and continue my search for a spiritual home. hysterical homo-obsessed christianity is totally on the outs but exploring
desire and suffering cycle is intruiging.
humans need milestones and january 1 provides an institutional, collective one for much of the world. even so, the new year is also a very personal and private opportunity for reflection, analysis and goal setting. with big but realistic goals in place i feel ready for the hard but exhillarating steps to make them reality. happy new year everyone! xo